Sunday, January 18, 2009

About Ace School

An interactive online resource for all types of educational institutions, their various academic communities and everything related to learning, this is for Home Schools, Special Education, Preschools, Early Childhood Education, Grade Schools, High Schools, Vocational Schools, Adult Education, Colleges, Graduate Schools, Universities and Lifelong Learning, to provide information to students, teachers, parents, school employees and individuals in their continuing pursuit of truth and knowledge. 

ACE is an Educational Media and Technology Generalist, writer, Communication Arts and English Teacher, with a bachelor's degree in Mass Communication and currently pursuing an M.A. in Education (specializing in Educational Technology) at the University of the Philippines, this author had also been an instructor of Safety Courses, which include First Aid, Basic Life Support (Community CPR) and Accident Prevention (ca 1987 - 2000). ACE is a published poet, whose works appeared in book anthologies in the Philippines and in the U.S. A husband and a father of a 6 year old girl, he is also an advocate of gender sensitivity, natural family planning, hands-on parenting, the sustainable use of resources and the preservation of the environment.